Welcome to a few new members...
2013-12-17 17:03:20 UTC
This list has been zero-traffic for a long time, so I thought I'd send out a message as a reminder of its existence. On the concatenative mailing list, we discuss the ideas underlying stack-based languages, with thanks to the research of Manfred von Thun -- not to leave out the practical and theoretical work of many others, some of whom we've got on this list.

I want to make sure everyone feels welcome to ask questions, share results, or, if you're uncomfortable with the gusty email traffic, feel free to visit Yahoo and adjust your subscription, or to ask me and I'll try to adjust it for you. (Sometimes we've gone months without a single post, and then all of a sudden a discussion erupts.)

Another place to go is the Concatenative "community page" on Google+:
It has much less information than this list right now, but it's a little easier to search (which unfortunately means it's better than Facebook, which can't search at all) and a lot easier to control your email traffic.